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Tuesday, April 3, 2018
A Wonderful Day with the grace of Jesus
Growing up, I was always branded a man of God, but I was baptized in the Catholic Church, without any knowledge of the things they teach are not the truth. Having built up a life of traditions in the Catholic Church, I felt alone and without something real to believe in. You'll be so excited that you you can only think of the fun ahead when you don't have the truth in your mind. But if you remain in the lie of the traditions of men, time goes so fast you won't notice they are giving you false doctrine. It's is an overwhelming experience that many young man started to smoke and to drink alcohol. You don't even realized the things you are losing in the Lord Jesus path. You are so drowned in the traditions, leaving little time for the study of the word of God, real study, not only feelings.
That's why I decided to believe in Jesus when I was 12 years old,and not to be a catholic anymore, and I'll never be a catholic person again, because I needed to believe in something real, something true. Group church was part of my life. As a result , my life changed completely to great and beautiful things in Christ. I remember having my first Job in a Bank, where I reached the sub - manager position. It was an excellent experience, and I would therefore recommend to gain some work experience to everybody.
After it, I wanted to learn English, in the good way, I went to an interview to a Canadian company, and they told me they'll going to discuss the possibility to give me the opportunity to work for that company, and finally they gave me the opportunity to do so. I knew Jesus was behind scenes, because they gave me the opportunity to learn English, as well as to earn good money.What is important is a knowledge of the truth, because there were some savvy people trying to defeat me in the work, but I knew God was with me, what we all want is good friends.
I quit that job, and I started to think to preach the gospel, but like I write before, sometimes you don't think you are able to do the right things because of the comments of many unbelievers people. But one of the guys in the work, as well of the church, introduced me to the gospel of grace. No matter what you did, no matter where you've been, the grace of Jesus is enough for you. And today I found this scripture in Hebrews 12: 28, and it says "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear" . And this fear in the original means " holy caution ". So, receive his grace today.
Cuando estaba creciendo, siempre fui considerado como un hombre de Dios, pero fui bautizado por la iglesia católica, sin ningún conocimiento o entendimiento de las cosas que ellos enseñan no son la verdad. Habiendo construido una vida de tradiciones en la iglesia católica, me sentí solo y sin algo real en lo cual creer. Te sentirías muy emocionado al saber que solo pensarás en la diversión cuando tu no tienes la verdad en tu mente. Pero si permandeces en la mentira de los hombres, el tiempo se va tan rápido que no notarás que ellos están enseñando falsa doctrina. Es una experiencia muy agotadora que muchos jóvenes empezaron a fumar y a beber alcohol. Ni siquiera te das cuenta de las cosa que estás perdiendo en los caminos de Jesús. Estás tan ahogado en las tradiciones, dejando poco tiempo para el estudio de la palabra de Dios, verdadero estudio, no solo sentimientos.
Es por eso que decidí creer en Jesús cuando tenía 12 años, y no mas ser católico, y nunca jamás volveré a ser católico otra vez, porque necesitaba algo real en que creer, algo que fuera verdadero. El grupo de la iglesia fue parte de mivida. Cómo un resultado, mi vida cambió completamente hacia grandes cosas en Cristo, Yo recuerdo tener mi primer trabajo en un banco, donde logré tener la posicion de sub - jefe, fue una experienciencia excelente, y por eso yo recomendaría a alguien tener alguna experiencia en trabajo.
Después de eso, yo quise aprender Ingles, en una buena manera, entonces fui a una entrevista de trabajo a una compañia canadiense, y ellos me dijeron que verían la posibilidad de darme la oportunidad de trabajar para esa compañia, y finalmente ellos me dieron la oportunidad de eso. Yo sabía que Jesús estaba tras ese trabajo, porque me dieron la oportunidad de aprender Inglés, y también de ganar buen dinero.
Salí de ese trabajo, y empecé a pensar a predicar la palabra de Dios, el evangelio, pero como escribí antes, algunas veces piensas que no eres capaz de hacer las cosas bien por los comentarios de muchas personas que no creen. Pero uno de los jóvenes en el trabajo, y también de la iglesia, me presentó el evangelio de la gracia. No importa lo que hiciste, no importa donde has estado, la gracia de Jesús es suficiente para ti. Y hoy encontre esta escritura en Hebreos 12:28, y dice " Así que, recibiendo nosotros un reino inconmovible, tengamos gracia, y mediante ella sirvamos a Dios agradándole con temor y reverencia". Este temor en el original significa " santa precaución" Entonces, recibe su gracia hoy.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Starting to blog in English
Hello to everyone. I've seen that a lot of people is reading my blogs many of whom are from different parts of the world, to whom I'm dedicate these following blogs in English.
As far as I'm concerned, some of these beautiful people believe that nobody is with them in the paths of their life. Over 90 percent of single man to whom things hadn't been easy, believe that things are bad, and they need a little of encouragement.
Savvy people is going to tell you "You need to cheat in order to earn" or "You need to be part of the whole of the world to be successful". First of all, we need to understand that "Successful is a word over - used" I met an entrepreneur who had many things, most of which were luxurious, but deep inside him he was feeling alone, there were several places in the city, in most of which he was very high recognized for this, even when he himself didn't.
You could be unemployed, overwhelmed by your relatives about what are you going to do with your life, with your future, with your purpose, and many things come to your mind, even suicide. The Bible is full of answers to your questions, one of the most wise apostle in the Bible was Paul, who wrote several Books most of which are about the things to gentiles or no jew people. I'd love to have met Paul because he wrote a letter to Timothy, another apostle of Jesus Christ. In the first letter addressed to Timothy, in the chapter 6 and verse 10 we can find this:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
So, my friend, don't feel overwhelmed because you have not formed the company or the job or even the business you were expected to do only because they waited money in exchange of your life. See here that money is not the problem, the problem is the love of money, instead it works for you, you work for it, that's not really a good life my friend.
Remember that you are the righteousness of God in Christ and that everything is going to be right if you know that you are loved for a man that seems to have paid all your sins, poverty and sadness in that horrible cross and his name is Jesus Christ, everything else is including in that grace, including richness without sadness.
As far as I'm concerned, some of these beautiful people believe that nobody is with them in the paths of their life. Over 90 percent of single man to whom things hadn't been easy, believe that things are bad, and they need a little of encouragement.
Savvy people is going to tell you "You need to cheat in order to earn" or "You need to be part of the whole of the world to be successful". First of all, we need to understand that "Successful is a word over - used" I met an entrepreneur who had many things, most of which were luxurious, but deep inside him he was feeling alone, there were several places in the city, in most of which he was very high recognized for this, even when he himself didn't.
You could be unemployed, overwhelmed by your relatives about what are you going to do with your life, with your future, with your purpose, and many things come to your mind, even suicide. The Bible is full of answers to your questions, one of the most wise apostle in the Bible was Paul, who wrote several Books most of which are about the things to gentiles or no jew people. I'd love to have met Paul because he wrote a letter to Timothy, another apostle of Jesus Christ. In the first letter addressed to Timothy, in the chapter 6 and verse 10 we can find this:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
So, my friend, don't feel overwhelmed because you have not formed the company or the job or even the business you were expected to do only because they waited money in exchange of your life. See here that money is not the problem, the problem is the love of money, instead it works for you, you work for it, that's not really a good life my friend.
Remember that you are the righteousness of God in Christ and that everything is going to be right if you know that you are loved for a man that seems to have paid all your sins, poverty and sadness in that horrible cross and his name is Jesus Christ, everything else is including in that grace, including richness without sadness.
Hola a todos,
he visto que muchas personas están leyendo mis blogs, muchos de ellos son de
diferentes partes del mundo, a quienes les dedico estos siguientes blogs en inglés.
Hasta donde yo
sé, algunas estas hermosas personas creen que nadie esta con ellos en los
caminos de sus vidas. Mas del 90 por ciento de hombres solteros para quienes
las cosas no han sido fáciles, creen que las cosas son malas, y ellos necesitan
un poco de coraje.
sabias te dirán “Necesitas robar para ganar” o “Tú necesitas ser parte de todo
el mundo para ser exitoso”. Primero que nada, nosotros necesitamos entender que
“éxito es una palabra sobre usada “Conocí a un empresario que tenía muchas
cosas, la mayoría de esas cosas eran de lujo, pero muy profundamente él se sentía
solo, había varios lugares en las cuales él era muy reconocido por esto, aunque
él mismo no lo reconocía así.
Tú puedes
estar desempleado, frustrado por tus familiares y tus más cercanos acerca de que
es lo que vas a hacer con tu vida, con tu futuro, con tu propósito, y otras
cosas que vienen a tu mente, incluso suicido. La Biblia está llena de
respuestas a tus preguntas, uno de los apóstoles más sabios fue Pablo, quien
escribió muchos libros acerca de las cosas a los gentiles o las personas no judíos.
Me hubiera gustado conocer a Pablo porque él escribió una carta a Timoteo, otro
apóstol de Jesucristo. En su primera carta direcciona a Timoteo, en el capítulo
6 y verso 10 podemos encontrar esto: porque raíz de todos los males es el amor
al dinero, el cual codiciando algunos, e extraviaron de la fe, y fueron
traspasados de muchos dolores.”
Entonces, mi
amigo, no te sientas presionado porque no has formado la empresa o el trabajo o
incluso el negocio que fuese presionado a hacer solo porque las personas
esperaban dinero a cambio de tu vida. Mira aquí que el dinero no es el
problema, el problema es el amor al dinero, en vez de que el dinero trabaje
para ti, tú estás trabajando por el dinero, eso realmente no es una buena vida
mi amigo.
Recuerda que tú
eres la justicia de Dios en Cristo y que todo estará bien si tú sabes que res
amado por el hombre que parece haber pagado por todos tus pecados, pobreza y
tristeza en esa horrible cruz y su nombre es Jesucristo, todo lo demás está
incluido en esa gracia, incluido riquezas sin tristezas
Friday, August 26, 2016
¿Cuál es tu prioridad?
Los líderes entienden que la actividad no es necesariamente logro.
Los líderes nunca crecen al punto que ya no necesitan priorizar. Es algo que los buenos líderes siguen haciendo, sea la conducción de un grupo pequeño, el pastoreo de una iglesia, la administración de un pequeño negocio o la dirección de una corporación de mil millones de dólares... Stephen Covey decía: <<Líder es el que se sube al árbol más alto , examina toda la situación y grita "¡Selva equivocada!">>
Las cosas que dan la mayor recompensa personal son los encendedores del fuego en la vida del líder. Nada da más energía a una persona que la pasión... Tim Redmond reconoce: <<Hay muchas cosas que atraerán mis ojos, pero solo unas pocas acapararán mi corazón...>>
Dedica tiempo a evaluar tus prioridades de liderazgo... ¿Estás disperso por todos sitios? O ¿Te estás concentrando en unas pocas cosas que dan el mayor beneficio?... El mayor éxito solo llega cuando haces que tu gente se concentre en lo que realmente importa?
Mateo 19:26 "Y mirándolos Jesús, les dijo: Para los hombres esto es imposible, más para Dios todo es posible"
Cuándo analizas tus prioridades, y ves qué es lo más importante de acuerdo al plan de Dios para ti, todo lo del universo se empieza a mover a tu favor" Aunque pareciera que estás muy lejos de eso que deseas, si tienes fe, eso llegará a ti, porque haz priorizado y has elegido darle la Gloria y la honra a Dios.
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